CannaTrade 2026
29-31 May 2026
Hall 622, Zurich
Presenting Partner

Team CannaTrade

Ben Arn

Gabi Zutter

Laszlo Schürch

Sven Larcher

Software + Web
Reto Iseli

BB Production

Jan Holger Engbert
Rouven Schürch

Social Media + Graphics
Mirco Petrini



Become now a Part of the CannaTrade-Promo-Team!

You enjoy cannabis and CBD? You also have lots of friends, you often go to parties and events or have some promo space free in your Hood? Then become a part of the CannaTrade-Promo-Team    and support us by making known the date and place of CannaTrade in Zurich to everybody until upcoming May!

We provide you with a Promo-Box* and for your support you will get a free ticket for the hemp fair CannaTrade. Shipping only to addresses in Switzerland.

* Content Promo-Box:
Papers, Flyer, Poster plus adhesives.


Register here

«I place hereby an order for one Buds and Beats Festival 2025 Promo-Box»

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